Thursday, September 4, 2008


(Click on photos to enlarge.)

Dennis & I have talked about getting 2 horses since we first moved here full time 5 years ago. Dennis spent 4 years on the Mounted Squad during his policing career so is very comfortable around horses. I have always dreamed of one day owning my own horse but wasn't sure whether at 'fifty-something' I was too old to restart horse back riding. Now that we have had the horses for a short time, I wonder why we ever waited so long! We are having great fun riding through the miles of trails here in 100 Mile House.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


(Click on any of the pictures to enlarge.)

We have spent a lot of time away from the farm this summer. Between a number of trips to pick up or drop off animals and then numerous trips to Vancouver to visit with my 88 year old father who is terminally ill, the summer has been incredibly busy. Thank goodness for a wonderful farm/dog sitter who comes to stay at our house.

When we returned from our last trip away, Remi (one of our two barn cats) was no where to be found. For 5 days were called for her and left food out but no sign of her. I was so sad as she is a really nice cat with a very loving temperament. Well didn't we get a surprise when she turned up two days ago looking fit and happy. Now that I know she is alive and well, I will post a couple of pictures of her that I had taken just before she went missing.
It is good to be back.....

Sunday, July 6, 2008


WillowGarden Killimanjaro

We are on the way to Olds Alberta (12 hours driving time from 100 Mile House BC) to pick up our sheep from WillowGarden that will be arriving sometime tomorrow. The sheep left Paris Ontario last Friday morning. Once we get back home and settled in, I will post some pictures. The above photo is WillowGarden Killimanjaro, an F1 Todhill Glayva son. He is a moorit yuglet flecket katmoget and will add some new genetics to our spotted lines.

Monday, June 30, 2008


The ram lamb above is referred to as 'Spot'.

We refer to this fellow as 'Spot Too'

Both our spotted rams born this year are sired by WillowGarden Rex Harrison who now makes his home at Windy Grange. Horns are looking good on these boys. One ram we will keep and the other will be for sale. There will be a some sheep arriving from Ontario sometime in the next 10 days - a few more spotteds will be making their home here. It was time to add some more spotting genetics to our farm.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Now that we are caught up on most of the farm work, I will post some pictures over the next while of a few of the babies born here this spring. This is our only llama cria to be born this year - and it is a GIRL! I really like her colouring. She is sooo soft.
Click on either of the above images to enlarge.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Last fall we imported five Shetland sheep from Franna in Washington State. Included in the importation was "Flash" a Gotland/Finn ram lamb. This morning, two ewe lambs from our Shetland ewe Mtn Niche Heidi and Flash were born. It will be interesting to see what colour their fleece changes to as they mature.


Our first lambs of the 2008 lambing season were born on Tuesday March 18th. It is still very winterlike here with 12 inches of snow on the ground and temperatures dropping to -12C (10F)at night. WillowGarden Kitty Fisher, who was bred to WillowGarden Rex Harrison , gave us a gorgeous spotted ram lamb and an HST ewe lamb. Although our breeding goals are moving towards a softer, finer, crimpier fleece on our Shetlands, I do enjoy a few "spotties" born each year.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


There is not much happening up here at the moment. The ewes are still holding on to their lambs. I thought I would share of photo of Rudolph the alpaca cria who was born last December. He is growing into a handsome fellow.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Newfie pups at 1 week of age.

Newfie pup at 8 weeks old.

Our first litter of Newfoundland puppies was born on December 29th 2007. The story of this litter deserves a post of its own but for now I want to share photos of the phenomenal growth rate of these large breed puppies. The six puppies weighed in at approximately 1.5 pounds each at birth. By 8 weeks of age they were weighing between 15 and 16 pounds each. The two photos above show a puppy at 1 week of age and again at 8 weeks of age - a mere 7 weeks later! We have met some wonderful families through placing these puppies in their new homes. Our pups went to new homes as far away as the Eastern coast of the US as well as 2 puppies staying close by here in BC.

Friday, March 14, 2008


I have been waiting to post a blog showing newborn Shetland lambs. It is currently day 157 (147 days of gestation being average) since the rams were introduced to the ewes last fall and still no lambs! The girls must have been playing hard to get.........or the first week of October was too early for the girls to be cycling.

As the picture shows, it is still winter time up here. This year was the heaviest snowfall in the 5 years we have lived in 100 Mile. It has been a very long time since we have seen the grass. On the upside, we haven't had any mud.

Since I have last written, there has been a litter of Newfoundland puppies born that had to be bottle fed as well as some family health issues and computer issues that had to be tended to. Life now appears to be back on track.

In the next few days, I will catch up on all the blogs that I like to read while having my morning coffee and see what you have all been up to in the past couple of months.